so i think i might have a new nextdoor neighbour. i never saw them move in, i never saw a sign out the front. i never saw removalist trucks. i've come to this rationale only because for the past 1 year, 11 months and 20-something days, i've been cosily getting on like a house on fire with the sandman almost every night. and in a four-person sharehouse inner city terrace, that is a pretty sweet deal.
ok, so sometimes i get the odd bout of sunday night anxiety, where the impending work week ahead causes me to stay up all night googling the difference between panic attacks and heart attacks.
and yeah, sometimes i have to plug in the iPod to make sure i'm politely excused from listening in to any of said flatmates late night activities. because let's face it - unless i'm enjoying my own late night activities, i absolutely need my beauty sleep.
so imagine my surprise the other night, when at about 9pm on a wednesday, my walls start vibrating to the swelling, aching strains of jebadiah's 'harpoon'. "wow" i think to myself, "that is really mother flipping loud!" oh well, it was by all accounts pretty early, no real drama. i had to catch up on a couple of missed episodes of masterchef online anyway, so in go the headphones and i'm saved.
but when i emerge from my reality cooking revery, approximately 2 hours later, 'harpoon' is still going strong. and loud. "hmmm, playlist is back to the beginning guys, time to mix it up slash turn it the f#$% down".
it was only when i'd heard the same song another seven mother flipping times, i realised that perhaps there never was a playlist. that whoever was currently residing in number 84 is either tone-deaf, heartbroken or insane.
i've never been a huge jebediah fan, but i've never disliked them either - sweet indifference my friends! bob evans even goes alright too. but seriously, when you're up til 3am, with no escape from, "and i love heeeeerrrrrr, but does shhheeeee think iiiiit's ok, when i teeeelllllll herrrrr..." etc. you do start to get a wee bit scratchy.
and when it starts again at 9-a-f%#king-m the very next morning? when you're trying to sleep-in to replace all the lost hours from the torturous and sleepless night before? you do not get a pretty kitty that is for sure. and can i also just say that this is not a one-night only, once-in-a-lifetime event. it's turning out to be a recurring nightmare - where i am unfortunately awake. all the time. looks like it's time to invest in some earplugs x
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